Safe Center is committed to ending domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking in Stephens and Jefferson Counties. Safe Center will assist all victims through crisis intervention, advocacy support groups, temporary emergency shelter and safety planning.
Safe Center believes that violence and abuse are preventable and we will provide awareness, education, and prevention to our community. We will enhance our partnerships with our community members to assist us in providing services to all victims and survivors. We believe these services must be community based, culturally sensitive, and trauma-informed. We believe in the right of all people to live without fear, threat, and oppression.
We believe we must confront violence against all individuals in all ways possible. This includes direct services, raising public awareness, and legislative action to strengthen laws and ensure adequate funding for our programs. Our goal is to empower and support survivors so they can break the cycle of violence in their lives and live without fear and abuse. We believe services must be available to all who seek them regardless of age, race, handicap, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin or immigration status. We believe safety for the victims/survivors and their dependents is the primary focus of intervention and services. Safe Center provides a multitude of services to help the victim throughout their entire journey to safety, healing and self-sufficiency. These services include: 24-hour confidential crisis line, crisis intervention advocacy, protective orders/court advocacy, sexual assault services and advocacy, emergency temporary shelter, education and community outreach services, and support groups. All of our services are free, voluntary, confidential, and available to all without discrimination.
We are a 501c3 non-profit organization that is funded through Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), Victims of Crime Act (VOCA), Attorney General Office, United Way of Stephens County, and private donations.